
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Field Day 2009

Last Friday was the best homeschool day. It is always my favorite! Our local homeschool group gets together and shares in a double header event. We host a used book sale to get rid of our old curriculum, and then also have a Field Day for the kids.
Kayla loves a good egg toss and here she is waiting for her partner to throw the egg. They went pretty far. For some reason these eggs WOULD NOT BREAK! The kids were throwing them high up in the air and letting them splat the ground, but they still would not break!

The highlight of the day this year was the big kickball game that the kids were involved in.

My competitive child, who is so much like his mother, was ready for any ball that came his way! (My child is the one in the yellow shirt)

I do believe he is excited don't you?? Looks like someone is gonna be getting out soon!

After the game, all the boys just kinda hung out with each other catching up on each other's lives.
Then the boys decided to come watch the little kids in the Egg Toss. As you can see from the picture, they all were getting a big kick out of this game!

I love this picture. You can't see it, but Robert was talking to Tucker as he lay resting on the ground (yes he had to go and learn about homeschool Field Day!)
If you are not in a homeschool group, then I suggest you find one. They have been our lifeline so many times when it comes to homeschooling. We have been really good friends and the encouragement and support that you can receive from a homeschool group are phenomenal!

Thanks to Hannah for taking these pictures. She is an aspiring homeschool photographer who is doing an excellent job! Be sure to stop by her blog and let her know what you think of her wonderful photographic capabilities!

This post is linked to GratiTuesday from Heavenly Homemakers.


More Than Words said...

Looks like a fun day, and you can tell your son was enjoying every minute of it!!

I agree..having other friends who homeschool is so important!!!! We have a big hs group at our church!

annies home said...

I used to love field day when I was a kid great photos and they all look like they had tons of fun