
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

From Mess To Miracle~The Intro

I feel like I have been wrung out like an old dishrag. I sat down this morning and wrote my cover page, the dedication page, and the introduction to my book.

I have never felt so scared and so exhilarated all at the same time. To feel the words flowing from my fingers this morning as I wrote, it was like nothing I have ever felt before. It is an amazing feeling to actually start writing.

I have decided that THIS summer is the summer. I want and hope to have it finished before we start school in September. I am scared. I am excited. I am. . . that is just it. I am. And at this point that is all I can say.

Since my house is quiet early in the morning, I am studying first for my own little bit of insight from God, but then, before I open Facebook and email, I am going to sit and write. I think this is the absolute best thing I can do for myself.

So now that the intro is done, today I will be praying about what the first chapter shall contain. I am almost sure I already know, but I do want to be 100% certain that is what God wants me to share.

Will you pray with me that I will have the boldness to really share my heart and not be afraid of what others might think. I thank you in advance for my prayer warriors, my friends!

1 comment:

Kela said...

Praying with you sis!! Love you