
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall and Winter Reading List

From now until spring, I do tons of reading, simply because I am inside where it is warm and cozy and outside is harsh and cold. I thought I would share with you a few of the books I plan on reading during this cold fall and winter:

Idoleyes by Mandisa. I am currently reading this one now. I must tell you that I have learned quite a bit about what goes on behind the scene of American Idol. I have also learned how difficult an issue weight is. I see myself inside this book in parts.

Grace is for Sinners by Serena Woods. I cannot wait to delve into this book. Sisterlisa on Facebook told me about this one because she said my story sounds a lot like hers. I got this one in the mail the other day!

Esther is my girl! I am really looking forward to getting into The Haddassah Covenant by Tommy Tenney. All his books have been awesome and I am sure this is another one that will be just as good.

Redefining Beautiful by Jenna Lucado. This book is geared more towards teens but I thought would make a good read for me because I deal with self esteem issues.

That is a little of what I am planning on reading for right now. It won't take me long and I will have all that read and I will be looking for more good reads. If you have any suggestions, let me know. I am always looking for good reading material.

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