
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Promises Mean Everything

When someone makes a promise to you, you bank everything in your life on those words. God's Word is filled with promises such as these.

Last week, Stephen was running late from jail ministry, so we were not able to go to church. Instead of just sitting around, he felt led by God to share with us what he had shared at the jail. With his permission, I am reprinting it here. I love when he teaches me and the kids. I know when he speaks, that the words are sincere and that his message comes straight from the Lord. I can trust in the fact that it will be based upon the Word and not be taken out of context in any way whatsoever.

Here is what he shared with us:

2nd Corinthians 5:20-21
Ephesians 1:4
Ephesians 3:19
Colossians 1:22
Colossians 2:10, 13-14
Luke 8:22-25

Each of these verses contain a promise from the Lord to us about who we are in Christ. I was totally blown away, as some of these I have never even seen before, and I have read my Bible cover to cover many times.

Stephen shared the following promises that God showed him throughout the above Scriptures:
  • God has made me an ambassador for Him.
  • He took my sin and died for me.
  • He chose me before the foundation of the world.
  • He has made me holy.
  • He has made me blameless.
  • He has given me fullness.
  • He has made me complete.
  • He has forgiven all my transgressions.
  • He has erased my debt completely.
 I have seen these promises scattered throughout various parts of the Bible, but never in the Scriptures that Stephen shared with us last Sunday morning. I think the one that stuck out to me the most was the first one. We had the kids look up what an ambassador was in the dictionary and this is the definition:
Ambassador: A minister of a higher rank sent on a mission~an official messenger.
After reading that definition, it puts it more in perspective to me what a Christian really is. We are special messengers for the Lord to carry His message to those who are hurting and need a Word from God.

After hearing this from my husband, and allowing the Scriptures to speak to my heart, I am more determined now that I intend on living my life more in tune with the Spirit and being who God created me to be.

What about you? Has God been speaking to you lately? Don't try to ignore that still small voice. Listen to what He has to say and then be obedient to it.

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