I love Econobusters. . . and not just because I work there. I loved it even before I started working for them. I love the frugal ideas and the way that Molly tries her very best to help me save and stretch my money so that my family doesn't have to do without.
The September issue is all about emergency preparedness. With hurricane season on the rise and many other natural disasters looming, being prepared is important. If you are like me, you might ask how do I get prepared?

You won’t always know when disaster is headed your way. But you can save your family from needless headaches, harm, and even hunger when you prepare NOW to survive the storm, fire, flood, or calamity that could come.
Are you equipped for an emergency?
It’s not exactly fun to think about—but it’s necessary. Does your family know what to do?
If you make provisions ahead of time, you can relax knowing that your family will have every opportunity to be cared for regardless of the unfortunate scenario.
Savor September and consider setting aside one weekend this month to focus on preparedness and to develop a plan for your family.
- Create an emergency preparedness plan that is suited for your family’s dynamics and location.
- Download your choice of crisis planning forms—prepared by the experts.
- Get your kids onboard with designing a disaster strategy—help them stay unafraid, calm, and focused during a critical situation!
Monthly Feature: Emergency Preparedness
Utilize basic ideas along with a list of great resources and informative links to be sure you are ready to meet with almost any emergency situation.

- A Well-Stocked Pantry. Make use of this basic primer consisting of the why, what, how, where, and when of stocking a pantry for your family. It makes so much sense!
- Driving This Winter? Be Prepared! Here’s a quick list for putting together a simple winter emergency kit for your vehicle. Possibly save the lives of your children!
- Pack a Backpack. Do you have a backpack stocked and ready for every member of your family?
- Start Your Preparedness Project Here. Which resources does Molly recommend? What’s her favorite book on the topic? Where can you find free downloadable details and advice?
On Sale This Month: Uncover some great deals and bargain prices and stock up on those canned goods for your emergency supply!
Tips and Tools for Organization: An emergency checklist could be a life saver! Print these out, complete them, and file them in your household planner.
Feather Your Nest Frugally: In keeping with this month’s theme, you’ll be glad you took the time to put together and tuck away these great grab-n-go mini kits for each member of your family. This is a great upcycled project for kids too.
In the Kitchen With Molly: Stock your kitchen with basic staples that enable you to make delicious meals under any circumstances. Get a week’s worth of great meals to see just how far you can stretch those staples. We’ve updated our format—now it’s easier and more economical to print these recipes!
Special Dates This Month: Thirty days hath September . . . and a lot of them are special! You’ll be sure to find something worth celebrating in this lengthy list!
Kids’ Corner—Creating an Emergency Disaster Escape Plan: When you plan ahead, your children will know immediately what to do in these adverse situations. Kids will follow directions to draw a family fire escape plan as well as a storm shelter plan.
Something Old, Something New: Turn that leftover wax from last month’s project into new jar candles. With step-by-step directions and lots of photos, you’ll get plenty of ideas to create your own versatile candles—ideal to use in emergencies or as nice gifts.
This Is My Story: Penny went from being a successful California businesswoman to a “no longer self-driven but love-driven” mother with eight children on a horse farm in Tennessee. Fortify your commitment to family as you consider her wise words and beautiful story!

Molly Members get the following extras for the month of September:
- Play it Safe E-Book from The Old Schoolhouse
- Is Your Homeschool Ready to Collapse WeE-Book from The Old Schoolhouse
- How Do I Teach My Platypus if He Won't Sit Still WeE-Book from The Old Schoolhouse
- Many different preparedness guidelines and checklists
- Lesson plans and unit studies on emergency preparedness
- Freezer cooking plans
- menu planning printables
- Treasure Island Kindle download

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