
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Blogger Friend School Assignment

Assignment: Take time this week to write about YOU and your feelings of trials and triumphs with homeschooling. Touch on when you first heard about the concept of home schooling and whether you tip-toed into the idea or just jumped in and never looked back. Share your schooling as a child and how you compare it to what your goals are for your children.

All my life and for the first part of my kids life, we were public schooled. Rigorous schedules, greuling homework every single day, cramming for test after test, long hours of sitting in desks all day was what my life was like for 13 years, for Robert 6 years, and Kayla for 3 years. School was extremely difficult and hard and to be honest, just plain boring! I stayed in trouble all the time because of my lifestyle which was easy because I was in school.

Now 15 years later, here I sit at a kitchen table, with tons of great living books, teaching my children with love and adoration from the Father about life, education, and living for the Lord.

It's so funny, because I never pictured myself as a homeschooling mother, but 9 years ago when I gave my heart to Christ, He put that desire in my heart, and I have never been the same since! Oh, don't get me wrong....I didn't give in to the Lord as soon as He told me His plans for my life. In fact, I ran for 7 LONG years as I pursued other options. I tried working and the kids going to school, that didn't work! I tried working at a school that I knew my son would be attending soon....that didn't work either! I tried sending the kids to a private school and that defintley didn't work. The only other option was homeschooling. No way.....

I gave God a million excuses why I couldn't and He gave me a million and one why I could. The day that I finally told God "Okay, I'll homeshcool", was the most rewarding day for me! I'll never forget that feeling of freedom the day we pulled our kids from school! It was the best day ever! We jumped in and haven't look back since! Oh sure....we have had our bad days....ya know, whiny days, or like this year when we schooled for 3 grueling weeks like we were in public school, only to realize that this was not working. We sold all of our stuff and started over just recently. That was a change all in itself and a huge trust issue! But I am so grateful that God allows us to start over when we need to.

One thing from God's word that has given me courage during this time, is like the name of my blog. Esther was chosen from the very beginning for something very special as we are all chosen for something very special......who knows if you have been chosen For such a time as this!

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