
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Remarkable Women of the Bible

Today I finished reading, Remarkable Women of the Bible, by Elizabeth George. If you are looking for a great book about the women who made an impact for the Lord, then this is the book for you!

I wanted to share with you another excerpt from this book. This time, though instead of Mary, we will be looking at the other Mary, and her sister Martha.

Peace or Panic?
In sisters, Mary and Martha, God presents us with a classic study of opposites when it comes to managing the demands of life. Their story begins with these words: "A certain woman named Martha welcomed Jesus into her house. And she had a sister called Mary" (Luke 10:38-39). Then what happened? When Jesus went to their home, Martha welcomed Him in for dinner, but she became distracted by all her preparations. Busy in the kitchen, dealing with the multitude of details on her mind, and anxious that everything go well, Martha was a whirlwind of activity.

How did her lack of peace show itself? First of all, Martha was stirring the pot not only in the kitchen, but also in the family room! There she stood, accusing Christ ("Do you not care...?-verse 40) and accusing Mary ("My sister has left me to serve alone"-verse 40), complaining about the burden she had assumed. She's bossy, blaming, distracted from what mattered most. And she's yarping-which, you'll notice, is "pray"ing spelled backward!

In contrast to this hurricane of female hyperactivity, we find the lovely Mary...

  • resting at the Lord's feet while Martha is restless
  • worshipping while Martha worries
  • at peace while Martha's panic level rises
  • sitting while Martha is stewing
  • listening while Martha is lashing out
  • commended by Jesus while Martha is confronted by Him (verse 39,41).
Which would an outside observer see in you as you cope with life's schedules, committments, and pressures? Martha or Mary? Are you normally in turmoil, or are you trusting and at peace? Are you prone to running around in circles-or do you rest in the Lord? Is your relationship with Jesus your first priority-or are you to busy to sit at His feet and enjoy His presence? The woman whose heart and soul are at rest is the woman who knows one theological truth: Her times are in God's hands. (Psalm 31:15) And this truth makes all the difference when it comes to peace or panic!

Today I ask you....which do you display? I asked myself that same question, and I find that sometimes, I am like Martha, worried about everything. But then, I remind myself, if I am like Mary, all my Martha activities will be completed, but with a much calmer perspective.

Take the time today to be a Mary, and worship at the Savior's feet....and read this book! It is great!

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