
Thursday, January 29, 2009

2009 Ice Storm

I woke up Tuesday morning to this:

As you can see, the trees were covered in ice. We woke up at 6am because the power went out. We thought, "surely the electricity will be back in in a couple of hours." Little did we know that our power would be out for 30 hours.

After about 15 hours of no power and no heat, we started pulling out extra clothing.

Here I am all bundled up in several shirts, joggin pants, three pair of socks, houseshoes, housecoat, jacket, 2 scarves....and I was STILL cold!

Luckily my mother in law had power so we went to her TINY apartment with our two dogs and sacked out for the night.

We woke Wednesday morning to snow falling heavily. We went home *hoping* that the power was back on but it wasn't. FINALLY at 2pm that afternoon, we looked outside and saw this:

Can you hear me singing the hallelujah chorus? The sad thing is that today there are still many homes without power. Please pray for them!

I am SO thankful for heat again!

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