
Friday, April 17, 2009

Finer Things Friday: Friends

My children are blessed to live in a neighborhood where there are TONS of friends to play with. For one, I love it because my children never get the question, "What about socialization"? We homeschool and that that is usually the question that is asked most often. Those who know my family so well, know that my kids are very socialized.

My children have friends of all ages. From little ones, to older grandmother types, they have friends. My husband and I have taught our children that your CLOSEST friends should be people who have the same kindred spirit as you. We have also taught them that God wants us to be friends with everyone. What better way to show someone who is an unbeliever the life of Christ, than to be there friend?

I found this photo today as I was looking for something to talk about for Finer Things Friday. I thought you would enjoy it as well. This was last year when we had an "End of the school year" cookout for the neighborhood kids. My husband and I also use this as a ministry so that all the kids have a safe and peaceful place to just unwind and be themselves and have fun!

You can participate in Finer Things Friday hosted by Amy.


Goat Gal said...

Oh that looks so fun! Makes me wanna get out the hot dog sticks and have a cook out soon.

Amy @ Finer Things said...

Oh, how fun! I hope to be the "go to house" when my kids are older, too.

Thanks for linking up!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

What a blessing! :D

Megan said...

How wonderful! Looks like so much fun.