
Monday, October 12, 2009

Raising a Godly Daughter in Today's Society

At the Well today, we are talking about raising up our daughters in today's society. Sometimes I get scared thinking about how I was a young girl. I don't ever want my daughter growing up that way. Granted, she has a much better chance of growing up having a decent background because Stephen and I have been Christians since she was about a year old. She has grown up knowing what God expects of us in our behavior and attitude. But just knowing. . . is that enough?

To be honest, I think that just knowing about it is not enough. I know plenty of girls who are young women who go to church, but yet, outside of church, you would never know that they loved the Lord. As parents, it is our responsibility to set the example for them, to show them how a true virtuous woman of the Lord should conduct themselves.

I am making that a HUGE priority in the life of my daughter. I don't stand over her saying every day, "you can't wear that", "you can't listen to that", "you can't watch that", "that friend of yours doesn't have the best morals--choose another best friend". No, I don't have to stand over saying these things, simply because she looks at how I live my life. She tries to model who I am. She sees how I strive to live a pleasing life to the Lord. She wants a life like that.

1st Corinthians 11:1 says "Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ". That is how we are to teach the young women in our lives. We can preach at them all day long, but if our walk does not match our talk, then it will all be in vain. They must see us modeling this in our own lives in order for them to take seriously what we are trying to portray.

My daughter does not see me being unkind to my husband in any way. I want her to grow up with a respect and reverance for her husband that most women do not display today. The only way I can really teach her this is by example.

So what are you teaching your daughter today? Are you telling her one thing, but your actions say something else? If so, re-evaulate what you do, and make sure that the two line up. One of my favorite sayings is this: " A sermon in action speaks louder words than anything that can be said behind a pulpit".

Teach your daughter to love God, love others, and love herself with the love of Christ. It will make all the difference in the world.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to trying out the Chicken chili soup! Sounds delicious! Sorry about leaving a post on this, I was reading the $5.00 meals from your friends site.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post. I came to your blog after seeing it on the $5 Dinners site. This post is awesome. We have 2 daughters and our religion (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) has always taught about modesty and other things to bring us closer to God. I often find myself trying to decide whether things they wear or listen to or play bring them closer to the spirit of God or further away from the spirit and from God himself. I strive to keep the good feelings in our home. It is great to see others who are striving for the same in their homes regardless of the religion.

Wendi said...

Great post!! My daughters are 13 and 8. This weighs heavy on my heart as well.:)